Martin Bailey

British Museum chairman George Osborne tells guests he is eager to reach Parthenon Marbles deal

His speech was delivered at the annual dinner, held provocatively in the gallery where the ancient sculptures are housed

Unravelling the Kwer’ata Re’esu mystery: experts say the painter could be Iberian, Flemish—or German

The painting had been looted at the battle of Maqdala in 1868, but is now in the possession of a Portuguese collector

How a fake Van Gogh encouraged Barbra Streisand to buy the real thing

The star's autobiography reveals her admiration for a “self-portrait” owned by a Hollywood producer

British Museum releases further details of independent review into thefts

The review team will now liaise with the police for the criminal investigation

Van Gogh exhibitions coming up in 2024, a blockbuster and a surprise

London’s National Gallery will top the bill, with a spectacular display of paintings from Provence

Van Gogh’s sunflowers blossom in Japan

The masterpiece is celebrated in a show at Tokyo’s Sompo Museum

Where did Van Gogh shoot himself?

It may have been near the inn where he stayed—not in a more distant wheatfield

British Museum to digitise collection as one million objects are found to be undocumented

George Osborne, the chairman of the trustees, says the thefts began over two decades ago

Van Gogh paints by the River Seine, a stepping stone to Provence

A revelatory exhibition in Amsterdam on Vincent’s landscapes from the outskirts of Paris—along with those of his avant-garde colleagues

Experience Van Gogh’s final weeks—through a blockbuster exhibition in Paris

After seeing the Musée d’Orsay show, continue on to Auvers, to enter the room where Vincent lived and died

Van Gogh would have loved to see the National Gallery’s exhibition on Hals

We spotlight eight paintings in the London show that Vincent singled out for special praise

Questions raised about role of British Museum trustees as thefts crisis progresses

George Osborne, the museum's chair, and the UK culture department are among those in the spotlight in the wake of Roman and Greek objects being stolen

Exclusive: British Museum launches webpage to recover stolen objects—and announces return of 60 items

The museum has also stated that 300 further items are “due to be returned imminently”, and that it has enlisted an international taskforce

Sacred Ethiopian tablet looted by the British at the battle of Maqdala 155 years ago is returned in London church service

Restitution of tabot, which was bought by an art scholar for this purpose, puts spotlight on the British Museum to return 11 in its possession

Exclusive: first colour photographs shed fresh light on Ethiopia's most treasured icon and its looting by an agent of the British Museum

An Art Newspaper investigation uncovers new details on the infamous seizure in 1868 by Richard Holmes of a 500-year-old painting of Christ, the Kwer’ata Re’esu, which never reached the London institution

Revealed: Van Gogh’s unknown period, exploring the landscape of the remote north

The first exhibition on Vincent’s visit to Drenthe, where art consoled him after a failed love affair

After ten years, the British Museum’s Reading Room is still out of bounds

Glacial progress being made on reopening the magnificent domed space at the heart of the institution

Recovering the stolen Van Gogh: the museum director recalls the emotional moment

Seized in a violent raid in 2020, returned in a blue Ikea bag—now being bought back from the insurer

'Handed over in an Ikea bag': art detective recovers Van Gogh painting stolen from Dutch museum

Three years ago, 'The Parsonage garden at Nuenen in Spring' was taken in a smash-and-grab raid in Laren

Brighter than a thousand suns: atomic scientist Robert Oppenheimer and his three Van Goghs

The awesome nuclear test explosion at the heart of the new film seems prefigured by Vincent’s sunrise

Crimean museum director sanctioned by EU and Switzerland

Andrei Vitalievich Maglin is holding thousands of works from the Ukrainian city of Kherson

Step inside Van Gogh’s London bedroom

It's 150 years since Vincent moved to Brixton, where he fell in love

British Museum appoints scientist Carl Heron as acting deputy director

The embattled institution is yet to announce an interim director after the resignation of Hartwig Fischer

British Museum director Hartwig Fischer steps down with immediate effect

Fischer, who was set to leave his position next year, made the decision to go now amid the scandal surrounding the theft of objects from the museum's collection

The inside job: what the thefts mean for the British Museum's future plans for the collection

Shock losses will have ramifications for the institution's ambitious masterplan, with sponsorship hanging in the balance

Investigation by Martin Bailey. Additional reporting by Alison Cole

Joshua Reynolds’s 'Portrait of Mai' could visit its Polynesian homeland

The painting of the striking Polynesian man, recently bought jointly by London's National Portrait Gallery and the J. Paul Getty Museum, may travel to the South Pacific to be shown in Tahiti

London's National Portrait Gallery's revamp: the review

Plus, William Edmondson in Philadelphia and Zinzi Minott's Windrush 75 film in London

Ben Luke. With guest speakers Alison Cole and Martin Bailey. Produced by David Clack, Aimee Dawson and Julia Michalska
Sponsored byChristie's

What paintings did Van Gogh hang above his bed?

“Pictures within pictures” reveal more about life in the Yellow House

How Van Gogh inspired his artist friends to exchange self-portraits

But Vincent was then shocked when Paul Gauguin’s painting arrived at the Yellow House